Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I hate Rap music.

I fucking hate mornings. The bane of my existence. Always waking up an hour early, never rested. Blah blah blah, not about start whining, whatever. So this morning was no different. Reluctantly get out of bed, cold as fuck, I put yesterdays clothes back on and stagger to the shitter, iPod in hand. While I shit I check Facebook and Google and all that stuff to see if anyone died while I was asleep, or something cool like that, but instead I find something different. Really fucking lit a fire under my ass, and I don’t know why, because this isn’t the first time I heard something like this, I guess it’s starting to wear on me. Some body I know had posted this over night :
“i hate rap music and everything it represents!and i honestly cant understand how women even listen to that trash seeing as how 90% of rap music makes you out to be a whore/slut and people even listen to the lyrics of this bullshit they call music?the most worthless music ever put on this planet...and to actually see people idolize and imitate rappers absolutely blows my fuking mind!and for the love of god pull up your pants you jack ass!!that shits not gangster,it just makes you look like a worthless moron!!
I know the guy, so I’m not going to pick this apart any more than I have to in order to make my point, but I’ll start at the beginning and work my way through it. “I hate rap music and everything it represents!” I love broad, sweeping generalizations like this. You hate EVERYTHING it represents? That must mean you’ve heard every rap song. I typed out about 8 examples of positive reoccurring themes in Hip-Hop, but I erased it, because I kind of find it below me. Go listen to Atmosphere or Sage Francis and tell me the same thing, you ignorant m…not going to start calling names. Breathe.

Moving on.. “and I honestly can’t understand how women even listen to that trash seeing as how 90% (I bet he looked that up) of rap music makes you out to be a whore/slut and worse.” I have so many angles with this one. First and foremost is the Chris Rock argument. Very few of those songs are generalizing women. They’re actually talking about sluts and whores, not normal, regular, respectable women. The women who listen to it are smart enough to know that. And that 90% figure is just fucking insane. There is so much pro-woman hip-hop out there, it’s not even hard to find.

“Do people even listen to the lyrics of this bullshit they call music? The most worthless music ever put out on this planet…” Hey man, you call it music too. I really want to go look up some figures to show how much money Hip-Hop has accumulated in the 40 short years it’s been around, but why bother. Hip-Hop has permeated into almost every facet of our lives through pop culture. Snoop Dogg is a house hold name. Ice Cube stars in your kid’s movies. And then to answer his question, no. Most people don’t listen to the lyrics. They just want to dance to the shit. And don’t even start to pick apart hip-hop lyrics. Some of those guys analyze their shit so much, with syllable counts and rhymes within rhymes, and I’m not even talking about content yet. I’m still trying to wrap my head ANYTHING Aesop Rock says.
“And to actually see people idolize and imitate rappers absolutely blows my fuking mind! And for the love of god pull up your pants you jackass! That shit’s not gangster, it makes you look like a worthless moron!” People imitate It’s what they do, so stop being surprised. And to call out hip-hop for their fashion is kinda funny coming from a rock n roll guy. Rockers wear make up. I could laugh at them for their chains and leather, looking like something from an S&M movie, and their stupid fucking hair cuts, but I don’t need to. They wear make up, end of story. Someone commented after his post laughing about the baggy pants thing, saying they heard it started in jail as a way to identify you as gay. I always heard you were a stupid cunt(sorry). Baggy pants came from poor parents having to buy their kids pants that are too big, because the popular sizes usually sold out, and the larger sizes were moved to clearance, so it made it cheaper to buy them. And then your older brother gave you his when he didn’t need them anymore, and so on. Go look the shit up before acting like you know.

So basically I’m saying “Fuck you.” I’d argue there’s more redeemable hip-hop music out there than any other genre, but then I sound just as stupid as this guy. Every type of music, just like any type of anything, must be viewed as a whole, being neither for nor against, in order to the truth. And every type of music, just like anything, has it’s good seeds and it’s bad seeds. If you want to rage against something, rage against society for embracing it, not the poor fucks trying to make a buck and escape their situation by preying on those who ask for it.


  1. this is coming from the guy who says 'fuck hip hop' in his lyrics

  2. I criticize rappers, not the people who enjoy it, but yeah, I'm a hypocrite. So.

  3. just to lift the veil of anonymity, this is Pavel. I just wanted to give you shit... because you're full of it and I thought you could use some more. Everyone is a hypocrite, but you presented a strong argument in your rebuttal to that post
