So I guess this the first Post Vinyl news letter, or rather, what it will evolve from. Nick suggested we make one, and I offered to write it, considering the inordinate amount of free time I seem to possess. I haven't sat down to write like this in about 5 years, this might get more personal than other things I write, so I'm sorry ahead of time. Our first full length album release is upon us. Some of the songs go back 3 years or longer to when I first joined the band, but the actual recording process started in the beginning of July. In the midst of a summer filled with Boy Meets World and assplay, this was the perfect thing to top it off, finally getting to record some of our favorite songs we've made. Not to shit on any one we had recorded with prior to this, I'm very thankful for all the help we received, but this just had a bigger feel to it. Late afternoons on the weekends spent at Bad Racket, laying down vocals, nights spent at home trying to convince a girl to let me violate her in return, with much reefer in between. Definitely riding high. Like whenever anything is going too good, set backs occur. Andy got a new job and was moving, so we were losing our practice spot, my advances were denied and I was tossed to the curb, and our mixes were taking a little longer than desired. Add to it we hadn't played a show since May. That brings us to the beginning of November. We were able to get ourselves a spot at Level 5, our old practice spot where we first started playing together, and we booked a show for our album release party. Now that shit's a little over a week away. The set list is solid. We're also working on trying to get some shirts together by then. Playing live for the first time since May has me a bit excited, and with my current mind state, I can't wait to get shitty and let loose. Here's a link for info on the show City Hum Release Party. And here's where you can download our album if you can't make it to the show City Hum. Hope to see you all there.
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